Command-line Interfaces

In addition to including routines in a package that yourself and others can import within other projects, typically it is a good idea to expose those elements that can stand alone as a command line utility (e.g., a high level function whose parameters might map in a straightforward way to command-line arguments). Often such command-line functionality may even be the primary driving force behind initial development of a project (“I need a script that does X”), and only later it may evolve into “I need to incorporate capability X into another project”. Structuring your project so that it can manifest as both a library and a command-line tool lets others not only execute that routine easily and repeatedly, but also allows for that routine to be integrated into other workflows.


There are several elements to a good command-line interface that are common to most CLI tools. Keeping with this common design language makes it easier for others to intuit their way through the use of your tool; e.g., usage/help statements, command-line arguments, input/output behavior, exit status.

These design elements can and should be implemented regardless of the language or platform used to create the application. For many users, it is simply not important what language the tools was created in, all they see is the command-line interface.


Most everything in this section could be said of a CLI on Windows; however, some aspects of the conventions discussed here are particular to Unix/Linux. These days, even on Windows, these are the prevailing conventions.

Command-line Arguments

The distinguishing characteristic of a “real” command-line tool and merely a script is the presence of what could be a rich set of arguments and options passable to the command.

As with functions in Python, there are both positional arguments and named parameters. Positional arguments are precisely what they sound like, any and all unqualified arguments that occur on the command-line. If you think of a command line as a sentence, the primary position argument(s) would be the object of the sentence.

In the following command, docs is the positional argument of the ls command.

$ ls docs

Named parameters, or options, are any qualified argument, typically not necessarily required to execute the command. That is, options usually have default values and you are providing an alternative.

The convention is that options are signaled as such using hyphens. There are short form options and long form options. All short form options are prefixed with a single hyphen, e.g., -l. All long form options are prefixed with two hyphens and multiple words joined with a hyphen, e.g., --output-directory.

Options may take zero, one, or more arguments. Sometimes, an option that takes no arguments is referred to as a switch. This is because it’s like a true/false setting, e.g., --debug. Short form options that take no argument can be stacked together, e.g., -lh. Options that take a single argument can have that argument specified as:

  • immediately adjacent, e.g., -N8.

  • with a space, e.g., -o build

  • with an equal sign, e.g., --output-directory=build.

Finally, a single naked hyphen, -, taken as an option usually is reserved to refer to standard IO (see next section). And a double hyphen, --, is ignored as a positional argument. It can generally serve two purposes. Any argument that follows it is forced to be a positional argument regardless of syntax, e.g., -- --output-directory if you really mean --output-directory as a positional argument (madness!). Also, typically the lack of any argument should signal that you want to have a usage statement printed (see section below). Passing a -- should allow the user to execute a command that requires no positional arguments.

File IO

In conventional Unix style, commands should read data from standard input (stdin) and publish data to standard output (stdout). These are special file descriptors whose access can be managed by your shell. The idea is that you might chain multiple commands into a pipeline, with their inputs and outputs linked together. This is a powerful concept worth exploring. To the extent possible, you should allow the user to provide input and output in this way.

That said, in the context of scientific/research computing, especially in high performance computing (HPC), you would expect files to typically contain data in an efficient binary format, e.g., HDF5. This is not easily compatible with the above notion. However, there are still some scenarios to consider.

On all platforms, there is a single input channel (stdin) but two output channels (stdout and stderr). The idea is that data should be written to stdout such that other commands might consume that data. But stderr should be reserved for messages (e.g., logging, see next section). This way all commands in a pipeline can have their messages printed in sync while data flows down the pipeline.

For a CLI tool, it’s convention to have the object (primary positional argument) of the command line refer to input and the lack of that input argument result in data being taken from stdin. E.g.,

$ grep 'def' python201/
$ cat python201/ | grep 'def'

Exit Status

Command-line programs have what’s called an exit status. This is an integer value reported when a command exits that is meant to provide some signal regarding the state of the program. Python will provide an exit status, it’s up to you as a developer to make that exit status meaningful.

The idea is that other programs (e.g., a shell script you are writing) should be able to refer to a previously executed program’s exit status in order to take some action. The convention is that an exit status of zero, 0, means everything went as expected, “success”. Anything else, any non-zero exit status, means something went wrong. The particular value should have meaning. Many programs publish the meaning of different exit status values in their documentation.

We will demonstrate how to manage this in your code below.

Usage and Help Text

A good CLI tool should print its own usage and help information to standard output upon request. The convention is that the lack of any arguments (positional or otherwise) is a request to see a usage statement (exceptions exist, the python command among them).

$ rm
usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...
   unlink file

To show a more comprehensive statement, a -h or --help option should print a longer message and exit.

$ gzip --help
usage: gzip [-123456789acdfhklLNnqrtVv] [-S .suffix] [<file> [<file> ...]]
-1 --fast            fastest (worst) compression
-2 .. -8             set compression level
-9 --best            best (slowest) compression
-c --stdout          write to stdout, keep original files
-d --decompress      uncompress files
-f --force           force overwriting & compress links
-h --help            display this help
-k --keep            don't delete input files during operation
-l --list            list compressed file contents
-N --name            save or restore original file name and time stamp
-n --no-name         don't save original file name or time stamp
-q --quiet           output no warnings
-r --recursive       recursively compress files in directories
-S .suf              use suffix .suf instead of .gz
--suffix .suf
-t --test            test compressed file
-V --version         display program version
-v --verbose         print extra statistics

Another convention (as seen with gzip) is to allow for the version number of the tool to be readily printed to stdout upon request with a --version switch. The short form may be either -v or -V depending on if the lower-case -v is used to mean something else, typically enabling verbose mode (meaning copious output) as seen here.

$ python --version
Python 3.8.5


Some tools will print the name of the application with the version number. This is not always the case and either way is fine.

There are many aspects to the convention regarding the styling of usage and help statements, and there are as many examples of tools violating the convention as there are conforming to them. Generally, the following few elements are universal.

  • The usage statement begins with the word “usage”, usage: program ....

  • The usage statement is listed on a single line if possible, with a one sentence description.

  • Options are wrapped in square brackets, e.g., [-abc] or [-o PATH].

  • Positional arguments are named with either angle brackets or in all capital letters, e.g., <file> or FILE.

  • The help text includes the usage statement at the top.

  • Positional arguments are listed before optional arguments.

Parsing Command-line Arguments in Python

The good news is that in Python you don’t need to worry about implementing this convention in terms of parsing these command-line arguments. We have a built-in module in Python, argparse, that makes it simple to implement interfaces compliant with these conventions.

Create an ArgumentParser instance with the name of the program and a brief description, then use the add_argument function to add arguments to your interface. Special behavior is enabled using the action keyword argument.

In [1]: from argparse import ArgumentParser

In [2]: parser = ArgumentParser(prog='cumprod',
   ...:                         description='Compute the cumulative product.')

Positional arguments can be specified with just the name. A metavar is how it will be referred to in the usage/help statements. The type keyword argument can be anything that is callable as a function.

In [3]: import sys

In [4]: from argparse import FileType

In [5]: parser.add_argument('infile', metavar='FILE', type=FileType(mode='r'),
   ...:                     default=sys.stdin, help='input file path (default <stdin>)')
Out[5]: _StoreAction(option_strings=[], dest='infile', nargs=None, const=None,
default=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdin>' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>, type=FileType('r'),
choices=None, help='input file path (default <stdin>)', metavar='FILE')

You can override what the variable will be referred to as in your code with dest (short for destination). By default, it will take the name of the option, stripped of its two leading hyphens and any joining hyphens replaced with an underscore, e.g., '--tmp-dir would become tmp_dir).

In [6]: parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='outfile', metavar='FILE',
   ...:                     default=sys.stdout, type=FileType(mode='w'),
   ...:                     help='output file path (default <stdout>)')
Out[6]: _StoreAction(option_strings=['-o', '--output'], dest='outfile', nargs=None, const=None,
default=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, type=FileType('w'),
choices=None, help='output file path (default <stdout>)', metavar='FILE')

Switches meant to be true/false are enabled with the action parameter.

In [7]: parser.add_argument('-l', '--last-only', action='store_true',
   ...:                     help='only keep the last value')
Out[7]: _StoreTrueAction(option_strings=['-l', '--last-only'], dest='last_only', nargs=0,
const=True, default=False, type=None, choices=None, help='only keep the last value', metavar=None)

When you’ve finished adding all of your acceptable options, you can actually parse a set of inputs by calling the parse_args method with a list of strings. Be default, if nothing is given it will check sys.argv to get the “real” arguments to your program.

In [8]: parser.parse_args(['data.txt', '-l'])
Out[8]: Namespace(infile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='data.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>,
last_only=True, outfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)

Assign the result of this method call to a variable to access these options in your program.

In [9]: cmdline = parser.parse_args(['data.txt', '-l'])

In [10]: cmdline.outfile
Out[10]: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>

The argparse module implements the full set of conventions outlined above. The usage/help statements are automatically generated for you (including -h and --help) and the convention regarding - and -- are present as well.

Let’s move on to the next section to see how to include this in our project and we’ll see what the usage and help statements look.


In order to expose some part of our package as a command-line tool, we need to create something called an entry-point. Instead of writing a script manually (as a .py file) and trying to include it as an executable part of the package, we can actually tell to do it for us automatically (and in a way that’s cross-platform!).

We need to add an argument to our setup function that points to a function in our package and specify how we want to invoke it at the command-line.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

with open('README.rst', mode='r') as readme:
    long_description =

    name             = 'python201',
    version          = '0.0.1',
    author           = 'Geoffrey Lentner',
    author_email     = '[email protected]',
    description      = 'A Python package for numerical algorithms.',
    license          = 'Apache Software License',
    keywords         = 'tutorial packaging example',
    url              = '',
    packages         = find_packages(),
    include_package_data = True,
    long_description = long_description,
    long_description_content_type = 'text/x-rst',
    classifiers      = ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
                        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
                        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
                        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10',
                        'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
                        'Operating System :: MacOS',
                        'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
                        'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', ],
    install_requires = ['numpy', 'numba', ],
    extras_require   = {
        'dev': ['ipython', 'pytest', 'hypothesis', 'pylint', 'sphinx',
    entry_points = {
        'console_scripts': ['cumprod=python201.algorithms:main']

What we’ve said here is that we want to be able to invoke a command, cumprod, and that we want it to execute a function, python201.algorithms:main. That is, we need to define a function, main (the name is arbitrary in fact), within our python201.algorithms module. This function will be called for us without arguments and it should return an integer. That integer value will be the exit status of the command.

If we install our package using Pip, this will automatically generate the necessary script and place it within the bin folder (or Scripts on Windows) of our Python prefix. I’m using a virtual environment on Linux, so I’ll have something like the following.

# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'python201','console_scripts','cumprod'
import re
import sys
from importlib.metadata import distribution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
    for entry_point in distribution('python201').entry_points:
        if == 'console_scripts' and == 'cumprod':


The contents of this script will be slightly different for you depending on what platform you are on and what (version of) Python you invoked Pip with. On Windows, some combination of an .exe, .bat, and/or will be auto-generated.

Remember though, you don’t have to code any of this complex logic, as pip and will automatically generate the appropriate files. One way or another, you (or the user) will be able to use the name cumprod at the command-line.

Now, there are many ways that you might organize or lay out your interface in Python within your package. There are a few patterns that have become commonplace these days. This tutorial is not focused on code style though. Here is what that entry-point might look like in the simplest case.

import sys
from typing import List
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType

def cumulative_product(array: List[float]) -> List[float]:
    Compute the cumulative product of an array of numbers.

        array (list): An array of numeric values.

        result (list): A list of the same shape as `array`.

        >>> cumulative_product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        [1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
    result = list(array)
    for i, value in enumerate(array[1:]):
        result[i+1] = result[i] * value
    return result

def main() -> int:
    """Command-line entry-point for `cumulative_product`."""

    description='Compute the cumulative product of an array of numbers.'
    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='cumprod', description=description)
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='0.0.1')
    parser.add_argument('infile', metavar='FILE', type=FileType(mode='r'),
                        help='input file path (default <stdin>)')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='outfile', metavar='FILE',
                        default=sys.stdout, type=FileType(mode='w'),
                        help='output file path (default <stdout>)')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--last-only', action='store_true',
                        help='only keep the last value')
    cmdline = parser.parse_args()

    values = map(float, cmdline.infile)
    result = cumulative_product(list(values))

    # '%g' formatting automatically pretty-prints
    start = -1 if cmdline.last_only else 0
    print('\n'.join([f'{value:g}' for value in result[start:]]), file=cmdline.outfile)
    return 0

If we re-install our package we can try it out.

$ pip install . --upgrade
$ cumprod
usage: cumprod [-h] [-v] [-o FILE] [-l] FILE
cumprod: error: the following arguments are required: FILE
$ cumprod -h
usage: cumprod [-h] [-v] [-o FILE] [-l] FILE

Compute the cumulative product of an array of numbers.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  input file path (default <stdin>)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        output file path (default <stdout>)
  -l, --last-only       only keep the last value
$ cumprod -v

In Unix-like environments, the seq command simply produces a sequence of integer values in a range. Let’s use it to compute the cumulative product of a sequence.

$ seq 5
$ seq 5 | cumprod -
$ seq 10 | cumprod -
$ seq 10 > data.txt
$ cumprod -l < data.txt > result.txt
$ cat result.txt


Manual Pages

In addition to having a usage and help statement printable from the command-line, if your tool has a lot of features, it might be a good idea to also include a manual page (or manpage for short). This is in fact particular to Unix-like platforms, but typically in research computing this is the case anyways.

Manual pages are provided by files stored in directories on your MANPATH. The man command looks for these files and parses their special syntax to present nicely formatted page-able output at the command-line. Writing one of these files can be a challenge because of this particular syntax.

Fortunately, Sphinx makes creating manual pages for your project much easier! We can create another page in our documentation source tree, say manpage.rst. Sphinx understands what manual pages are and what sections to expect. A simple example in our case might be something like the following.

Manual Page for CUMPROD


cumprod [-h] [-v] [-o FILE] [-l] FILE


Compute the cumulative product of a sequence of numbers.


    input file path (default <stdin>)

-h, --help
    show this help message and exit

-v, --version
    show program's version number and exit

-o FILE, --output FILE
    output file path (default <stdout>)

-l, --last-only
    only keep the last value



    $ seq 5 | cumprod -

We can then edit our configuration file to specify that this page is a manual page and how it should be treated. Here we have the name of the file, the name of the manual page, the description, copyright info, and the manual page section to save it under.

man_pages = [(
    'Compute cumulative product of a sequence of numbers.',
    'Geoffrey Lentner <[email protected]>.',

You can then build your manual page by using the same Makefile as we did for the html website.

$ cd docs
$ make man


It might complain because your manpage.rst wasn’t included in the page index for the website. This is only a warning and is fine.

In order for you to include your now constructed manual page as part of the Python package, you need to place it somewhere that your file can access and include as an installable asset. If you are committing your build folder to version control, then you just need to point there; otherwise, we should copy our new manual page out of the build folder to somewhere we will commit to version control.

From the top-level of our project folder, we might do something like the following.

$ mkdir -p man/man1
$ cp docs/build/man/cumprod.1 man/man1/

Then, in our file, you can point to our committed copy of the manual page using the data_files parameter.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

with open('README.rst', mode='r') as readme:
    long_description =

    name             = 'python201',
    version          = '0.0.1',
    author           = 'Geoffrey Lentner',
    author_email     = '[email protected]',
    description      = 'A Python package for numerical algorithms.',
    license          = 'Apache Software License',
    keywords         = 'tutorial packaging example',
    url              = '',
    packages         = find_packages(),
    include_package_data = True,
    long_description = long_description,
    long_description_content_type = 'text/x-rst',
    classifiers      = ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
                        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
                        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
                        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10',
                        'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
                        'Operating System :: MacOS',
                        'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
                        'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', ],
    install_requires = ['numpy', 'numba', ],
    extras_require   = {
        'dev': ['ipython', 'pytest', 'hypothesis', 'pylint', 'sphinx',
    entry_points = {
        'console_scripts': ['cumprod=python201.algorithms:main']
    data_files = [
        ('share/man/man1', ['man/man1/cumprod.1', ]),

This option lets you explicitly list files that you want to include with the package and where you want them to be installed. Here, the share/man/man1 is a relative path adjacent to the bin folder of our Python installation (where Pip is being executed from as well). This is good practice and makes it so that your manual page is part of your environment, so when the user activates the environment they have access to it.

Let’s reinstall our package so it includes the command-line entry-point and the manual page.

$ pip install . --upgrade

You can access manual pages with the man command.

$ man cumprod
CUMPROD(1)                         python201                         CUMPROD(1)

       cumprod - Compute cumulative product of a sequence of numbers.

       cumprod [-h] [-v] [-o FILE] [-l] FILE

       Compute the cumulative product of a sequence of numbers.

       FILE   input file path (default <stdin>)

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -v, --version
              show program's version number and exit

       -o FILE, --output FILE
              output file path (default <stdout>)

       -l, --last-only
              only keep the last value

          $ seq 5 | cumprod -

       Geoffrey Lentner <[email protected]>.

       2019-2021 Geoffrey Lentner, 2018 Ashwin Srinath

0.0.1                             Jul 14, 2021                       CUMPROD(1)

Configuration Files

In addition to proper command-line arguments for your programs, using configuration files for more complicated option handling with your applications are a great idea and pretty simple to implement with Python.

We’ll skip a full and complete discussion on the merits of different sorts of configuration file strategies and how to manage them. Instead let’s just take the simple case where we want to allow a simple configuration file in one of a few different formats.

Common formats include INI files which are a much older specification and are provided for in the standard library, as well as the more recent and popular YAML format (as seen with GitHub Actions), and yet more recent still TOML. These and some other formats can all be pulled in directly as a Python dictionary.

Let’s assume I allow for a special configuration file at ~/.python201.toml. I can have a default dictionary of parameters and merge that with what I may or may not find in the file.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Python201 Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""Configuration management."""

# standard libs
import os
import functools

# external libs
import toml

PATH = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.python201.toml')
    'logging_level': 'warning',
    'other_option': False,

def load_config(filepath: str = PATH) -> dict:
    """Load and merge configuration from `filepath`."""
    if os.path.isfile(filepath):
        with open(filepath, mode='r') as stream:
            return {**DEFAULT, **toml.load(stream)}
        return DEFAULT

Similar to how there is a convention for the form of command-line arguments, there is a convention (on UNIX-like systems) that configuration files allow for a hierarchy.

The convention is to have layers of files with parameters found later in the path take priority. Typically,

  • System (e.g,. /etc/python201.toml).

  • User (e.g., ~/.python201.toml).

  • Local or Project (e.g., ./.python201.toml)

In this example, a parameter found in ~/.python201.toml should override anything in /etc/python201.toml.

Further, environment variables should take precedent over configuration files, but not of command-line arguments. Setting something like PYTHON201_LOGGING_LEVEL should override anything in the configuration files but not the --debug option at the command-line.

Implementing all of this correctly can be difficult. Especially for the fact that having sections in your configuration files makes it difficult to merge them using the dictionary unpacking in our example because any section in a higher priority file would completely obliterate the prior section, when really the leaves of the section should be merged in a depth-first fashion.

For example, if we created a “logging” section for multiple parameters,

level = 'warning'

We would obliterate the entire section if [logging] was defined in /etc/python201.toml.

A fully general implementation of this sort of configuration management with depth-first merging of files from multiple formats and the appropriate convention for environment variables (also merged) is worth doing once and not repeating.

A Python package named CmdKit (see cmdkit.config) does this well.