A lot has been said about the dangers of premature optimization. Typically it is much better to first get something correct (and tested) before scrutinizing performance unnecessarily. As such, we’ve saved the matter of “performance” for last. That said, in scientific/research computing, especially in HPC, it is rather common to encounter performance bottlenecks.
We’ll go through a natural progression. Here is a high-level summary of the topics:
Benchmarking - You cannot establish that you’ve made an improvement if you haven’t benchmarked your code. This is the very first thing. You might even consider adding something like this to your automated testing. E.g., your regression tests might be timed.
Profiling - Identify the bottleneck in your code by investigating how much time is spent on what line of the code. You might find that a simple fix gives you tremendous improvements. The procedure here is similar to debugging and the best way to proceed is with special tools.
Do Not Reinvent the Wheel - Use existing (possibly compiled) implementations that are faster. Pick a different algorithm that may be more efficient. Pick a more efficient storage format when handling data.
Compiled Code - Depending on your code, you might be able to use something like numba to JIT-compile your code and get tremendous performance improvements “for free”. As a last resort, it is possible to write more efficient code in C/C++ that you can link to Python. This is non-trivial.
This section does not offer an exhaustive guide, nor a particularly deep one. We merely touch on all the relevant areas. It is up to the developer to take each of these ideas and explore deeper.
Timing Your Code¶
As a simple starting point, lets look at the time function. We can time a section of code as follows:
import time
import numpy as np
t1 = time.time()
a = np.random.rand(5000, 5000)
t2 = time.time()
print("Generating random array took {} seconds".format(t2-t1))
Generating random array took 0.44880104064941406 seconds
If we want to get both sophisticated and automated, we might consider implementing a system in our tests to time function calls. We could even use Python’s fantastic decorator syntax to make it widely applicable.
Interactive Benchmarking with IPython¶
and %%timeit
magic statements
that can be used in an IPython console or Jupyter notebook
for timing a single line of code or a block of code
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: %timeit np.random.rand(5000, 5000)
410 ms ± 2.59 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [3]: %%timeit
...: a = np.random.rand(5000, 5000)
...: b = np.random.rand(5000, 5000)
...: c = a * b
897 ms ± 10.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Performance Profiling¶
The time
and timeit
methods will get you pretty far in terms of measuring your code’s
performance. A more delicate approach would be to apply a tool that can not just time the entire
block, but piece apart how much time is spent on each line so you can see the relative weight of
different parts of the routine.
Line Profiler¶
In IPython, you can use the line_profiler against a Python statement and tell it what functions to watch. Let’s take a look at our function.
$ pip install line_profiler
In [4]: %load_ext line_profiler
In [5]: from python201.algorithms import cumulative_product
In [6]: %lprun -f cumulative_product cumulative_product(list(range(100)))
Timer unit: 1e-06 s
Total time: 0.000167 s
File: /home/glentner/code/
Function: cumulative_product at line 8
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
8 def cumulative_product(array: List[float]) -> List[float]:
9 """
10 Compute the cumulative product of an array of numbers.
12 Parameters:
13 array (list): An array of numeric values.
15 Returns:
16 result (list): A list of the same shape as `array`.
18 Example:
19 >>> cumulative_product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
20 [1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
21 """
22 1 3.0 3.0 1.8 result = list(array)
23 100 70.0 0.7 41.9 for i, value in enumerate(array[1:]):
24 99 73.0 0.7 43.7 result[i+1] = result[i] * value
25 1 5.0 5.0 3.0 sample = '[]' if not result else f'[..., {result[-1]:g}]'
26 1 16.0 16.0 9.6 log.debug(f'cumulative_product: length-{len(result)} array {sample}')
27 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 return result
There’s a wealth of information provided, including the total percent of time spent on each line. As expected, most of the time is spent around the for-loop with list-accesses. Before we move on to actually changing the code, let’s check out another type of profiling that might be relevant to scientific software development.
Memory Profiler¶
Quite often, it’s not necessarily the amount of time spent on a piece of code that is problematic;
it could be that too much memory is being used. In Python you can profile the memory consumption of
your code as it is running in a similar way to how we used the line_profiler
The memory_profiler provides a line-by-line breakdown of a function and the memory difference it contributed.
$ pip install memory_profiler
In order to see this, lets do something really silly to our code, like add a useless memory accumulator.
# collapsed for space ...
def cumulative_product(array: List[float]) -> List[float]:
result = list(array)
big_list = list()
for i, value in enumerate(array[1:]):
result[i+1] = result[i] * value
sample = '[]' if not result else f'[..., {result[-1]:g}]'
log.debug(f'cumulative_product: length-{len(result)} array {sample}')
return result
# collapsed for space ...
Be careful if you do something like this, you might accidentally run your machine out of memory and freeze your session. And do not forget to remove these lines when you’re done!
The syntax is similar to before.
In [1]: %load_ext memory_profiler
In [2]: from python201.algorithms import cumulative_product
In [3]: %mprun -f cumulative_product cumulative_product(list(range(10)))
Filename: /home/glentner/code/
Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents
8 43.9 MiB 43.9 MiB def cumulative_product(array: List[float]) -> List[float]:
9 """
10 Compute the cumulative product of an array of numbers.
12 Parameters:
13 array (list): An array of numeric values.
15 Returns:
16 result (list): A list of the same shape as `array`.
18 Example:
19 >>> cumulative_product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
20 [1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
21 """
22 43.9 MiB 0.0 MiB result = list(array)
23 43.9 MiB 0.0 MiB big_list = list()
24 3520.5 MiB 0.0 MiB for i, value in enumerate(array[1:]):
25 3134.2 MiB 0.0 MiB result[i+1] = result[i] * value
26 3520.5 MiB 386.7 MiB big_list.append(list(range(10_000_000)))
27 3520.5 MiB 0.0 MiB sample = '[]' if not result else f'[..., {result[-1]:g}]'
28 3520.5 MiB 0.0 MiB log.debug(f'cumulative_product: length-{len(result)} array {sample}')
29 3520.5 MiB 0.0 MiB return result
Again, all we can measure is the difference in the memory footprint of our program after a given
line executes. It is very difficult to actually speak precisely about memory usage. Especially
with container types, if you ask how much space it’s using with built-in Python tools (e.g., like
) you may not be seeing the memory usage of the data the elements of that
container are pointing to.
Do Not Reinvent the Wheel¶
Writing correct, fast code can be hard. In 2020, if you’ve come across a problem, chances are that others have already run across the same challenge. There is likely an existing (possibly even optimized) implementation for Python.
Use Existing Libraries¶
In our case, you might have already realized if you’re familiar with the popular numerical computing library for Python, numpy, that it already has a fast, compiled version of the algorithm we’re looking for, numpy.cumprod.
Not only is the data stored in a fast data structure in contiguous memory, the for-loop exists in the C-layer beneath the Python interpreter.
In [1]: from python201.algorithms import cumulative_product as cumprod
In [2]: import numpy as np
In [3]: data = np.random.rand(10_000_000)
In [4]: %timeit result = cumprod(data)
3.56 s ± 40.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [5]: %timeit result = np.cumprod(data)
33.6 ms ± 287 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
Use Better Algorithms¶
This is one of the most effective ways to improve the performance of a program.
When choosing a function from a library or writing your own, ensure that you understand how it will perform for the type and size of data you have, and what options there may be to boost its performance. Always benchmark to compare with other functions and libraries.
For example, if you are doing linear algebra, you may benefit from the use of sparse matrices and algorithms if you are dealing with very large matrices with relatively few non-zeros.
As another example, many kinds of algorithms are iterative and require an initial “guess” for the solution. Typically, the closer this initial guess is to the actual solution, the faster the algorithm performs.
Use Better Data Formats¶
Familiarize yourself with the various data formats available for the type of data you are dealing with, and the performance considerations for each. For example, this page provides a good overview of various data formats for tabular data supported by the Pandas library. Performance for each is reported here.
Coding Practices and Memory Efficiency¶
For a better illustration, lets consider another example.
Included is a small dataset, feet.csv
Lets say we want to compute the average hindfoot_length
all species in plot_id
13 in the following dataset:
In [1]: import pandas
In [2]: data = pandas.read_csv('feet.csv')
In [3]: data.head()
plot_id species_id hindfoot_length
0 2 NL 32.0
1 3 NL 33.0
2 2 DM 37.0
3 7 DM 36.0
4 3 DM 35.0
Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark!¶
If there are two ways of doing the same thing, benchmark to see which is faster for different
problem sizes. For example, one way to do this would be to group by the plot_id
, compute the
mean hindfoot length for each group, and extract the result for the group with plot_id
In [4]: data.groupby('plot_id')['hindfoot_length'].mean()[13]
Out[4]: 27.570887035633056
Another way would be to filter the data first, keeping only records with plot_id
13, and then
computing the mean of the hindfoot_length
In [5]: data[data['plot_id'] == 13]['hindfoot_length'].mean()
Out[5]: 27.570887035633056
Both methods give identical results, but the difference in performance is significant:
In [6]: %timeit data.groupby('plot_id')['hindfoot_length'].mean()[13]
1.34 ms ± 24.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
In [7]: %timeit data[data['plot_id'] == 13]['hindfoot_length'].mean()
750 µs ± 506 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
Why do you think the first method is slower?
Avoid explicit loops¶
Very often, you need to operate on multiple elements of a collection such as a numpy.ndarray
. In such cases, it is almost always a bad idea to write an explicit for
over the elements.
For instance, looping over the rows (a.k.a, indices or records) of a pandas.DataFrame
considered poor practice, and is very slow. Consider replacing values in a column of a dataframe:
In [8]: %%timeit
...: for i in range(len(data['species_id'])):
...: if data.loc[i, 'species_id'] == 'NL':
...: data.loc[i, 'species_id'] = 'NZ'
308 ms ± 4.49 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
A better way to do this is simply to use the replace()
In [9]: %time data['species_id'].replace('NL', 'NZ', inplace=True)
CPU times: user 3.1 ms, sys: 652 µs, total: 3.75 ms
Wall time: 3.34 ms
In addition to being faster, this also leads to more readable code.
Of course, loops are unavoidable in many situations; but look for alternatives before you write a
loop over the elements of an array, DataFrame, or similar data structure.
Avoid repeatedly allocating, copying and rearranging data¶
Repeatedly creating and destroying new data can be very expensive especially if you are working with very large arrays or data frames. So avoid, for instance, creating a new array each time inside a loop. When operating on NumPy arrays, memory is allocated for intermediate results. Packages like numexpr aim to help with this.
Understand when data needs to be copied vs. when data can be operated “in-place”. It also helps to know when copies are made. For example, do you think the following code results in two copies of the same array?
import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(50, 50)
b = a
This article clears up a lot of confusion about how names and values work in Python and when copies are made vs. when they are not.
Access data from memory efficiently¶
Accessing data in the “wrong order”: it is always more efficient to access values that are “closer together” in memory than values that are farther apart. For example, looping over the elements along the rows of a 2D NumPy array is much more efficient than looping over the elements along its columns. Similarly, looping over the columns of a DataFrame in Pandas will be faster than looping over its rows.
Redundant computations / computing “too much”: if you only need to compute on a subset of your data, filter before doing the computation rather than after.
Compiled Code¶
Just-in-Time Compilation¶
Sometimes there just is not an existing implementation of the algorithm you need. And there may not be a way of easily vectorizing the algorithm, resigning you to “slow” for-loops and array accesses.
Fortunately these days there is more hope for an easy fix than in the past. If you can write your code in a rudimentary, line-by-line, Fortran-style, there’s a chance you might be able to get tremendous performance improvements without needing to write a “real” C-extension.
Numba is a library that lets you compile code written in Python using a very convenient “decorator” syntax. Lets re-implement our function with some slight modifications using Numba.
In [6]: from numba import njit
In [7]: @njit
...: def cumprod(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
...: result = array.copy()
...: for i, value in enumerate(array[1:]):
...: result[i+1] = result[i] * value
...: return result
In [8]: assert (cumprod(data) == np.cumprod(data)).all()
In [9]: %timeit result = cumprod(data)
32.2 ms ± 239 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
Our JIT-compiled function was FASTER than the numpy.cumprod
Cython is another option for interfacing with compiled code. It performs about the same as Numba but requires much more effort; although it can do many things that Numba cannot, such as generating C code, and interface with C/C++ libraries.
If what you’re doing is not amenable to tools like Numba, you can in fact create a native C-extension yourself. Python has documentation for extending Python, and there are some pretty good tutorials online as well.
Parallel and Distributed Computing¶
If your computer has multiple cores, or if you have access to a bigger computer (e.g., a high-performance computing cluster), parallelizing your code may be an option.
First and foremost, know what layer is appropriate to parallelize at! If the challenge is that you have a large number of independent tasks to compute and each task is larger than a few seconds, the optimal approach is to not try to parallelize within your code. Instead, try to expose that part of your code as an executable workflow and use existing tools. Consider applications like GNU Parallel or hyper-shell to scale out your workflow. Alternatively, if your tasks are large enough and you have access to a high-performance computing (HPC) cluster, use the available scheduler to your advantage and simply schedule all the tasks!
We won’t cover the entirety of parallelism here. Below is a list of references you might consider for parallel and distributed computing in Python.
IPython Parallel - A general purpose framework using the same infrastructure that makes Jupyter possible. You can create a cluster of “headless” IPython engines and connect to them from your main program.
Dask - A great library for parallelizing computations and operating on large datasets that don’t fit in RAM. It implements many similar concepts to IPython Parallel but also offers a more data-centric out-of-core computing system.
Parsl - A newer framework offering some similar concepts to Dask and IPython Parallel. Parsl’s goal is to offer scalability to the largest super computers in the world and integrates with HPC scheduling software.
Note that many libraries support parallelization without any effort on your part. Libraries like Numba and Tensorflow can use all the cores on your CPU, and even your GPU for accelerating computations.
The multiprocessing package is useful when you have several independent tasks that can all be done concurrently. joblib is another popular library for this.